(function () { 'use strict';
takes function and calls it for every item in context object, then cleans up falsy entries and returns return
@param {Function} fn
@returns {Array}
function mapCompact(fn) {
jshint validthis: true
return _.chain(this).map(fn).compact().value(); }
updates subset based on results of fn execution
@param {Function} fn
@returns {Array|$.Init}
function updateOverFn(fn) {
jshint validthis: true
return this._update(mapCompact.call(this, fn)); }
check if element is even or odd, based on its location in a dom, related to its parent
@param {Number} order 0 or 1 - even or odd
@returns {Number} either 0 or something else not falsy
function evenOdd(order) {
jshint validthis: true
return (_.indexOf(this.parentNode.children, this) - (order ? 1 : 0)) % 2; }
check if element is even or odd, based on its order
@param {Number} order 0 or 1 - even or odd
@param {Number} i
@returns {Number} either 0 or something else not falsy
function simpleEvenOdd(order, i) { return (i - order) % 2; }
detects support for next/previousElementSibling and returns next/previous siblings
@param {String} direction next or previous
@returns {$.Init}
var nextPrev = (function nextPrev() { if (document.body.previousElementSibling) { return function (direction) { return updateOverFn.call(this, function (el) { return el[direction + 'ElementSibling']; }); }; } return function (direction) { return updateOverFn.call(this, function (el) { do { //ie el = el[direction + 'Sibling']; } while (el && el.nodeType !== 1); return el; }); }; }());
returns function to find all next/previous siblings
@param {String} direction next or previous
@returns {$.Init}
function nextPrevAll(direction) {
jshint validthis: true
return this._update(_.chain(this).map(function (el) { var results = [], result; while ((result = _.$(el)[direction]()) && (el = result[0])) { results.push(result); } return results; }).flatten().value()); } var next = _.partial(nextPrev, 'next'), prev = _.partial(nextPrev, 'previous'), nextAll = _.partial(nextPrevAll, 'next'), prevAll = _.partial(nextPrevAll, 'prev');
returns function which will be called as method of given object (_.$)
@param {Function} fn
@returns {Function}
function callAsSelf(fn) { return function () { return fn.call(this); }; }
get style value for given property of the given name (found on github)
@param {HTMLElement} el
@param {String} styleProp
@returns {String}
var getStyle = (function () {
W3C standard way:
if (window.getComputedStyle) { return function getStyle(el, styleProp) {
sanitize property name to css notation (hyphen separated words eg. font-size)
styleProp = styleProp.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); return getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); }; } else { // IE return function (el, styleProp) {
sanitize property name to camelCase
styleProp = styleProp.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (str, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); var value = el.currentStyle[styleProp];
convert other units to pixels on IE
if (/^\d+(em|pt|%|ex)?$/i.test(value)) { return (function (value) { var oldLeft = el.style.left, oldRsLeft = el.runtimeStyle.left; el.runtimeStyle.left = el.currentStyle.left; el.style.left = value || 0; value = el.style['pixelLeft'] + 'px'; el.style.left = oldLeft; el.runtimeStyle.left = oldRsLeft; return value; })(value); } return value; }; } }());
convert css string into object
@param {String} cssText
@returns {Object}
function rulesToObj(cssText) { if (!trim(cssText)) { return {}; } return _.chain(cssText.split(';')) .map(function (rules) { rules = rules.split(':'); return { prop: trim(rules[0]), value: trim(rules[1]) }; }) .indexBy('prop') .mapValues('value') .value(); }
convert object into css string
@param {Object} obj
@returns {String}
function rulesFromObj(obj) { return _.chain(obj) .pairs() .invoke('join', ':') .value() .join(';'); }
cross-browser string trim
@param {String} str
@returns {String}
function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, ''); }
get elements by selector in a given context
@memberOf _.
@param {String} selector
@param {HTMLElement} [context]
@returns {$.Init}
function $(selector, context) { return new $.prototype.Init(selector, context); }
get elements by selector in a given context
@param {String|HTMLElement} selector
@param {HTMLElement} [context]
@memberOf _.$.prototype
function Init(selector, context) { this.length = 0; if (typeof selector === 'string') { context = context || document; _.each(context.querySelectorAll(selector), _.bind(this._push, this)); } else { this._push(selector); } return this; } $.prototype = { constructor: $,
@param {*} mixed
_push: function (mixed) { if (mixed) { [].push.call(this, mixed); } }, _clean: function () { [].splice.call(this, 0, this.length); if ('0' in this) { //ie8 for (var i in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete this[i]; } } } }, _update: function (updates) { this._clean(); _.each(updates, _.bind(this._push, this)); return this; }, Init: Init,
find elements within base element by selector
@param {String} selector
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
find: function find(selector) { return this._update(_.chain(this).map(function (element) { return _.chain(selector).$(element).toArray().value(); }).flatten().value()); },
filter elements by selector or function
@param {String|Function} selector
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
filter: function filter(selector) { return this._update(_.filter(this, function (el, i) { if (_.isString(selector)) { return _.$(el).is(selector); } return _.bind(selector, el)(i); })); },
get siblings for given elements
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
siblings: function siblings() { var results = _.chain(this).map(function (el) { return _.reject(el.parentNode.children, function (child) { return child === el; }); }).flatten().uniq().value(); return this._update(results); },
@type {Function}
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
next: callAsSelf(next),
@type {Function}
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
prev: callAsSelf(prev),
@type {Function}
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
nextAll: callAsSelf(nextAll),
@type {Function}
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
prevAll: callAsSelf(prevAll),
set or get text for elements
@param {String} str
@returns {$.Init|Array} strings or elements
text: function text(str) { var getText = 'textContent' in this[0] ? 'textContent' : 'innerText'; return updateOverFn.call(this, function (el) { if (str) { el[getText] = str; return el; } else { return el[getText]; } }); },
check if element(s) match the selector
@param {String} selector
@returns {Boolean}
is: function is(selector) {
jshint -W052
var f = this[0], matches = f.matches || f.matchesSelector || f['msMatchesMatchesSelector'] || f['mozMatchesMatchesSelector'] || f['webkitMatchesSelector'] || f['oMatchesSelector']; return _.every(this, function (el) { if (matches) { return matches.call(el, selector); } else {
jshint bitwise: false
return ~_.chain(selector).$(el.parentNode).indexOf(el).value(); } }); },
get closest parent with given selector
@param {String} selector
@memberOf _.$.prototype
@returns {$.Init}
closest: function closest(selector) { return updateOverFn.call(this, function (el) { var parent; while ((parent = el.parentNode) && !_.$(parent).is(selector)) { el = parent; } return parent; }); },
set or get css value
@param {Object|String} rules
@this {$.Init}
@returns {$.Init|String}
css: function css(rules) { if (_.isString(rules)) { return getStyle(this[0], rules); } _.each(this, function (el) { el.style.cssText = rulesFromObj( _.merge( rulesToObj(el.style.cssText.replace(/;$/, '')), rules ) ); }); return this; } }; Init.prototype = $.prototype;
helper function to filter even elements from collection based on elements location within its parent node
@memberOf _.$
@type {Function}
$.even = _.partial(evenOdd, 0);
helper function to filter odd elements from collection based on elements location within its parent node
@memberOf _.$
@type {Function}
$.odd = _.partial(evenOdd, 1);
helper function to filter even elements from collection based on collection's order
@memberOf _.$
@type {Function}
$.simpleEven = _.partial(simpleEvenOdd, 0);
helper function to filter odd elements from collection based on collection's order
@memberOf _.$
@type {Function}
$.simpleOdd = _.partial(simpleEvenOdd, 1); _.mixin({ $: $ }); })();.
global _